Sunday, February 14, 2010

Some info about me

Basics; I'm a 50-something male living near Seattle. I work for a city here in the wastewater department (no surprise there) and have been in the wastewater field since the mid 80s. I probably went through the normal childhood stages of poop fascination, I don't remember.

I grew up in a forested rural area in the midwest. That was back when kids were pretty much out of the house after breakfast and except for maybe lunch, didn't go back in until dinner, then frequently back out until darkness set in. You learned to go outside, there was always a handy tree, bush or rock to go behind. And you learned what kinds of leaves were comfortable and which to stay away from. Boy Scouts taught the finer arts of burying your scat and digging cat holes, not to mention identifying animals by their droppings. When I moved to a large southwest city in my early teens it was a major culture shock for me. While in the military I was exposed to some of the toilet standards in SE Asia and came to really appreciate the porcelain sitters that are the standard in the US.

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