Friday, March 12, 2010


I've always thought that was a really cool word.  If you don't know,  it refers to the process of treating corn (or maize if you prefer) with an alkali to make it more nutritious, tastier and easier to grind.  One of the problems with using corn as a main food source w/o nixtamalization is that the vitamin B3 in it is not bioavailable.  This caused outbreaks of pellagra in populations that did not use it.  Corn as a main food source also lacks essential amino acids.   Nixtamal (the processed corn) combined with beans does supply all the amino acids needed.  

So, if you eat corn tortillas, tamales or hominy,  you are enjoying the benefits of this ancient process.  You can thank the Meso-Americans for your delicious food.  And you could combine the nixtamal with legumes and go vegetarian,  but that's another post.

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